Gift ideas for 0-2 years old
Find here all the customizable gift ideas for minis from 0 to 2 years!
Mark the backpack
55 €
Bath cape
49 €
Barnabé protects him from health
Barnabé protects the health book velvet
Paco backpack
58 €
Paco the velvet backpack
58 €
Paulette toilet bag
45 €
Paulette the velvet toilet kit
49 €
The (e) gift card
Lucette the toilet kit
Leo punho
60 €
Josette the towel
49 €
Cherry suitcase
135 €
Olivier the changing bag velvet
129 €
Stop the weekend bag
129 €
Jeanine le sac bowling
60 €
Put on the mattressed blanket
69 €
Oscar the nest to fuck
30 €
Louis le lange maxi
35 €
Josépha the doudou plat
18 €
Patrick the single rabbit
Loic the unique dog
Orso the bear
45 €
Alba the goose
65 €
Camille protects him family booklet
Lucien the musician ball
49 €
Suzon the chausson
29 €
Marcel the awakening mat
139 €
Gaston the ball
49 €
Jean the kite
49 €
Pedro the bird
49 €
Pierrot the moon
49 €
Marin the cushion
45 €
Yvette la fleurette
49 €
Germain the cushion
35 €
Roger the basket
69 €
Colette the barracks door
Jeannette the anti-glisse bar
8 €
Renée the doll
65 €
Huguette the stroller
65 €
Albert the poster
15-29 €
Several models
6-25 €
Selection 0-3 years
Wooden animals
15 €
Several forms
The (e) gift card
Ideas by age
0 - 2 YEARS
3 - 4 YEARS
5 - 7 YEARS
8 - 10 YEARS